ATEasy Licensing Q&A

Knowledge Base Article # Q200026

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Summary This article provides information about ATEasy licenses, including license types and subscription options.
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Q. What kind of licensing does ATEasy have?

A. ATEasy® has two types of licenses: Single-User and Network.

A Single-User license is installed on one computer and allows you to use ATEasy on that computer. A Network license is installed at a network server and allows users to work from any computer connected to that network, limited to the number of licenses that have been purchased (concurrent license).

Q. Can I distribute my ATEasy application?

A. Yes. ATEasy applications compiled to EXE file are Royalty-Free. You will have to install the ATEasy run-time on each machine that the executable will run.

Q. Will my license work with any version of ATEasy?

A. Licenses are purchased for a specific version of ATEasy only and will not work with newer versions of that product.

Q. I installed a license for version 9.0. Can I use version 10.0 with that license?

A. No, You cannot. If you have an active subscription plan, You can request a  license that will work with all the ATEasy versions including 10.0 and 9.0. Contact our support using Marvin Test Solutions website (M@GIC portal) and request a license upgrade.

Q. I bought a license for version 6.0. Can I use version 4.0 with that license?

A. Yes, You can. A license for specific version support ATEasy v3.0 and newer up to the version of the license purchased. For example if your network license server have a 7.0 license, client can run version 3.x-7.x.

Q. What does a one year subscription provide?

A. The one year subscription & support provide one full year of free technical support as well as one full year of free upgrades and unlimited access to ATEasy downloads. With subscriptions you will get a new license if an upgrade to the product is released during that year.

Q. If I did not buy a subscription and a new version has been released. Can I buy a subscription to upgrade my license?

A. You can renew your subscription if your subscription has expired less then two years ago. This renewal cost most than normal renewal. Check with our sales representative for special pricing .

Q. If I did not buy a subscription, can I still use ATEasy?

A. Yes, You can still use ATEasy with the version that you have purchased with no subscription.

Q. Can I buy an ATEasy upgrade if I did not renew my subscription?

A. No, upgrades are provided only for current subscribers. You will have to buy a new license. Please check with our sales representatives to learn how to renew your subscription.

Q. Can I use Single License or Network License on a VM (Virtual Machine)?

A. You can install ATEasy on a VM, Only Network license (as a client) can be used. Single license (software or USB based) will not work on a VM. Network License Server can be install on a VM provided it uses online activation and provides licenses to ATEasy clients. Running ATEasy on a VM have limited access to instruments; hardware and common instrument such as PXI cannot be controlled from a VM.

Single License

Q. What kind of single-user license is available for ATEasy?

A. ATEasy is offered with either a Hardware Key, or a Software Key License. Hardware licenses use a device that plugs into the computer's Parallel or USB port to provide the license. Software Licenses use a string of characters that are entered into the ATEasy License dialog box (located under the About ATEasy dialog). Software licenses can be activated on-line for computers that are connected to the internet or offline using a license string.

Q. Can I move the key or transfer the license from one machine to another?

A. Yes you can. Hardware keys can be moved from one computer to another by unplugging the device and plugging it into another computer. Software keys can be transferred to another machine (up to three times) by requesting a license transfer from Marvin Test Solutions (by requesting it using your M@GIC/support account). This process involves terminating the license (see Q200060) and installing a new license obtained from Marvin Test Solutions (see Q200089) .

Q. I've purchased several copies of single-user license. Can I buy subscriptions for part of my single-user licenses?

A. Yes you can. However, only the licenses with subscriptions can be upgraded when a new release is available as the upgrade is by serial number.

Network License

Q. What is the minimum number of licenses allowed with network license?

A. 3 or more. You cannot purchase a network license with one or two licenses.

Q. Can I buy subscription for part of my Network licenses?

A. No you cannot. Subscriptions for network licenses must be purchased for all licenses that are included in that network license.

See Also

Network License - Installing and Using ATEasy Network License.
Trial License, Single License - Installing, Upgrading and Acquiring ATEasy Software License,  How to obtain ATEasy Single License or a Trial License Extension.
Upgrading ATEasy USB License Key -  Upgrading ATEasy USB License Key.
Single or Network License Termination -  Terminate an ATEasy software License.
Article Date 3/16/2020 , 7/13/2022
Keywords ATEasy, License

Brian Bryant 6/30/2022 7:33:53 AM
ATEasy will not recognize USB Key License after Windows "sleep/resume" even after unplugging and re-installing. Is there a way to re-start the license server w/o restarting the application?
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