LPT Parallel Port ?

John K.

Mar 3, 2011
55 Posts

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Re: LPT Parallel Port ?

Does anyone knows how can I access the parallel port (LPT port) using ATEasy? I've saw commands like COMOpen, COMSend, COMReceive, USBOpen, USBSend etc. but nothing regarding the LPT port! Anyone familliar with this thread? Please help me!

DrATEasy (Ron Y.)
Mission Viejo, CA

Mar 4, 2011
358 Posts

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Re: LPT Parallel Port ?

There are two ways to write to the LPT port:

1. Using Port I/O commands. See http://www.dsaprojects.110mb.com/computers/lpt_port.html for example in VB.

2. Using File IO. FileCreate/ FileWrite / FileRead / FileClose. To open the port use:

hFile=FileCreate("LPT1",aFileModeAttributeNormal or aFileModeCreateAlways or aFileModeWrite or aFileModeShareRead)

Paul T.
Maennedorf, Zurich

Sep 27, 2012
64 Posts

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Re: LPT Parallel Port ?

It didn't work, Ron. The first link is not available any more and the second option gave no results. I've even tried with PortOutByte(0x378,0x0) but no use... All data lines are in high state.

John K.

Sep 27, 2012
55 Posts

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Re: LPT Parallel Port ?

I was having the same problem but I've got it, finally :). It was because Windows 7 assigns an address that's different than 0x378 to the parallel port. For instance, my PC has the PCI to Parallel Port card mapped at address 0xBF00. See the address at which the Parallel Port is mapped at.

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