ATEasy command duration

John K.

Mar 22, 2011
55 Posts

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Re: ATEasy command duration

Hi there! How can I find out the time that it takes for the processor to execute an ATEasy command? I have to generate a clock pulse that has a minimum width of 300 ns and I want to build this pulse using 3 digital out commands: one that outs a '0', one with '1' and one with '0' back. The width of the '1' pulse has to be greater than 300 ns. Does anyone have any idea regarding this issue?

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Larry S.
La Vergne, TN

Mar 22, 2011
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Re: ATEasy command duration

Dunno about nS, but to get uS you can do the below:

I believe this would be machine dependent. On my desktop, using the tick command on a 1000 iteration for loop, the mS counter would increment from between 166 cycles to 183 cycles with an average of 175 cycles yielding a standard deviation of 6.97615, and PPM's of -51429(MIN) and 45714(Max)  This gives me a tick time of between 5.464480874 and 6.024096386 uS  (1e3* (1/count)).  You may ant a bigger sample.  I just opened the log into a spreadsheet to get the count data above - it could be automated.

for ( index = 0 ) to 999

for ( index = 0 ) to 999
    print index , dwTime[index]

John K.

Mar 23, 2011
55 Posts

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Re: ATEasy command duration

Thank you very much, Larry! This helped me a lot! Keep in touch. Have a nice day!


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