DIOEasy - start the application programmatically from C#

Miha L.
Reston, VA

Jul 21, 2014
1 Post

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DIOEasy - start the application programmatically from C#

We are looking into launching the DIOEasy editor from our C# code.
Using the System.Diagnostic.Process to start DIOEasy works fine, but when we add a filename as argument it does not start the application anymore. We need to be able to open a specific file into DIOEasy.
We also tried to instantiate the DioApplication, but the operation fails with a "Create DioApplication failed" message, and the "LastError" property set to 1163.
This latter method would be better to use, because this will allow us to control the DIOEasy editor from our application.
Any ideas, suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Miha L.

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