Increasing the max number of values in cbUutCount

Andrew Y.
Bristol, PA

May 2, 2016
5 Posts

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Re: Increasing the max number of values in cbUutCount

I am trying to increase the UUT Count max value in the test executive to something larger or smaller than 10:

1) I tried the properties>>list but it is read only

2) I tried app.UUTcount = 20 in the system>>OnInit  

thinking the following code would increase it, but it doesn't.


! initialize UUT Count

if f_iUutCount>cbUutCount.ListCount

3) Programmtically I can  TestExec Execution SetUutCount(14) to the system>>OnInit which makes 14 UUTs, but I would like to select the number of UUTs at runtime.


Solution Available
Orr K.
Irvine, CA

May 2, 2016
21 Posts

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Re: Increasing the max number of values in cbUutCount


In TestExec you can go to  Program->Select and change the UUT Count as you suggested. You can type in whatever value you want. The drop down list only includes only 10 values, but you can type in whatever number you please. The 1-10 values are default and hard coded. There is currently no function to dynamically add to the UUT Count list.


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