ATEasy for ARM architecture?

Marta E.

Jun 30, 2017
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Re: ATEasy for ARM architecture?


I'm developing a new tester station. At the past I used to have Windows systems, but for this one I'd like to use a Raspberry Pi 3 (the idea is: executable would run in that Raspberry)
I'm wondering about ATEasy requirements, because I would say ATEasy needs Amd64 architerture, doesn't it? Would there be any option? Should I install any special software?


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DrATEasy (Ron Y.)
Mission Viejo, CA

Jul 12, 2017
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Re: ATEasy for ARM architecture?

ATEasy 9 runs only on x86 (MachineX86 linker option) on XP (sp3) - Win 10 (32/64 bit OS) . It does not run on ARM.

We will support X64 in future versions of ATEasy. There is no decision yet on other platforms where we may have support for deployment only of the run-time (not IDE).

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