If statement that has two expressions with an OR operand

Raz A.

Apr 16, 2019
82 Posts

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Re: If statement that has two expressions with an OR operand

I am using ateasy 7 142g
In the following code:

If(expression1 OR expression2)

If expression1 is TRUE, why does ateasy also evaluates expression2 ?

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DrATEasy (Ron Y.)
Mission Viejo, CA

Apr 17, 2019
374 Posts

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Re: If statement that has two expressions with an OR operand

You need to check the check box in the Project Misc Properties page: Optimize Short Circuit Boolean Expressions

That will cause ATEasy not to evaluate expression2   if expression1 is True.

Raz A.

Apr 18, 2019
82 Posts

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Re: If statement that has two expressions with an OR operand

Ok thanks.

Can i ask what is the motivation of performing such a flag?
Or an example where a programmer wants that flag unchecked?

DrATEasy (Ron Y.)
Mission Viejo, CA

Apr 18, 2019
374 Posts

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Re: If statement that has two expressions with an OR operand

For backward compatibility.

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