Eric J.
De Pere, WI
Oct 9, 2024
Re: Examples how to work with Ni DAQmx driver
Has anyone had success with this project recently?
I am getting an error that its unable to load NiDaq32 DLL. Tells me there are some certain dependencies. I have LV2019 and LV2020 installed.
I was able to load the example prg and it reports that it builds successfully. But I continue to get errors at the first DAQ AnalogIn call, init and reset are not reported errors.
DAQ Initialize()
DAQ Reset Device("cDAQ2Mod1")
! Set the DAQ Analog In channel 0 and set the minimum and maximum voltages.
Error Here >>> DAQ AnalogIn CreateChannels Voltage("cDAQ2Mod1/ai0", "myAI0", DAQmx_Val_Cfg_Default, -10.0, 10.0, DAQmx_Val_Volts, "")
Run-time error #-3480 : 'NI_DACmx Error #-3480:'Task specified is invalid or does not exist. Status Code: -200088' found in 'DAQ.CheckError' in line 5
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