Pause and Resume / GX5280

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Michal M.
Noordwijk Zh,

Apr 7, 2020
1 Post

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Re: Pause and Resume / GX5280

Hello Everyone,

We consider to use one of the GX52## family products for CMOS detector addressing (in non-sequential way). I'm wondering if it is possible to pause execution of the clocking sequence internally (e.g. using one of the channels) and resume it with external trigger (from other card or PXI bus)?


Dale J.
La Verne, CA

Apr 7, 2020
22 Posts

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Re: Pause and Resume / GX5280

Hello Michal,
The short answer to your questions is yes, the GX5280/GX5290 can be configured to pause execution of the clocking sequence using one of the channels, and resume it with external trigger from another card or PXI bus.

The GX52xx digital IO (DIO) has a 16-bit wide event input that can be used to pause and/or trigger the instrument.  There is separate control logic for each action, Pause and Trigger.  

To achieve what you are describing, you could designate one of your unused DIO channels as the pause signal; connect the designated DIO output channel to the external event input, and program the pause Event and Mask registers to pause when the connected channel is active.  In your test pattern, you would program the pause signal as inactive for all test vectors except for the vector (or vectors) where you want the instrument to pause.  At that vector(s), program the pause signal to the active state.

To trigger the instrument, you could use the same event signals connected to the external trigger source.  Or, you can connect the external trigger source to the dedicated external trigger input, or use the PXI trigger.

The instrument is a pipeline architecture, and there are additional fixed propagation delays associated with reacting to the external pause/trigger conditions, so the pause would not be instantaneous; meaning if you set the active pause at, for example, vector 100, the instrument may not actually pause until vector 116 - give-or-take.  Some experimentation would be required to find the correct offset value for the pause signal at the frequency you plan to operate at.  And that offset value could vary depending on the speed the instrument is running at - especially at higher speeds.

I hope this answered your question.  If you have additional questions, please feel free to contact us.

Dale Johnson

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