Complie a project on a x64 windows and run it on a x86 windows

Raz A.

May 18, 2020
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Re: Complie a project on a x64 windows and run it on a x86 windows

I am using ATEASY 7 142g

I am compiling a project on a x64 windows 7, but i run the SW on a x86 windows 7.

The SW is running...but i need to know if there  is a risk by doing this?

Is the compiling operation doing something different when compiling on different machines?

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DrATEasy (Ron Y.)
Mission Viejo, CA

May 18, 2020
360 Posts

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Re: Complie a project on a x64 windows and run it on a x86 windows

No risk at all, ATEasy compiler is CPU independent.


Raz A.

May 18, 2020
82 Posts

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Re: Complie a project on a x64 windows and run it on a x86 windows

Ok i will expand my questions

If on the compiling machine, i get no errors but only "warnings" on missing dll - but those dll do exist on the target computer....

is there any risk here?

DrATEasy (Ron Y.)
Mission Viejo, CA

May 18, 2020
360 Posts

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Re: Complie a project on a x64 windows and run it on a x86 windows

No issue as well. The warning are not considered at run time and the missing DLLs is searched again the same way and loaded if found at the target machine.


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