Agilent 82357B USB to GPIB driver

Triston M.
Tucson, AZ

Apr 14, 2021
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Re: Agilent 82357B USB to GPIB driver

Hello All,

I'm a bit new to ATEasy, so be gentle.

I'm using a USB to GPIB converter made by Agilent (now Keysight), and I'm having a hard time getting ATEasy to see my devices through this port. I followed the ATEasyX Getting Started Manual, but when I got to the "Adding An Interface" section, I was kind of lost, since there isn't an option for this kind of port.

Will I be able to get ATEasy to see this USB to GPIB port as a GPIB interface?

Thanks in advance.


DrATEasy (Ron Y.)
Mission Viejo, CA

Apr 14, 2021
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Re: Agilent 82357B USB to GPIB driver

The keysight/agilent/hp GPIB-USB interface is supported from ATEasy using the Agilent (HP SICL). You can see how it is done using the ATEasy help, index, "interface dialog". The ATEasy interface driverAGpibHpsl.dll uses the Keysight SICL32.dll that need to be installed with Keysight IO Libraries ( . Default setting is 7, 0.


Triston M.
Tucson, AZ

Apr 14, 2021
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Re: Agilent 82357B USB to GPIB driver

Hello, and thanks for responding so fast.

I used the Agilent(HP SICL), and it was a "NOGO."

I managed to follow along the "ATEasyX: Getting Started Manual," Chapter 6, and everything was rainbows and butterfly's until I went to actually talk to hardware. The help menu, that you pointed to seems to be identical. I get this message with the myDMM driver that the book instructs me to make, and the included DMM driver (hp34401a) - I tried them both. I used the Monitor View as instructed in Chapter6, page103 of the Getting Started Manual.

I know the device works because I can communicate with the DMM using the Keysight software.

Is there a way to ensure that ATEasy can see the USB to GPIB port?

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DrATEasy (Ron Y.)
Mission Viejo, CA

Apr 14, 2021
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Re: Agilent 82357B USB to GPIB driver

You need to configure the driver shortcut with the GPIB interface and primary address of that instrument.

Try to use GpibSend() and see if it works. For example if the instrument is in primary address 10:

print GpibSend( 0x10A00 , "\n" , True, 1000, , "*IDN?")

Highlight the line and click DoIt!. If it works, you should see that the GPIB instrument is in remote and the test log shows a number >0.

Triston M.
Tucson, AZ

Apr 14, 2021
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Re: Agilent 82357B USB to GPIB driver

DrATEasy (Ron Y.) wrote:
You need to configure the driver shortcut with the GPIB interface and primary address of that instrument.

Try to use GpibSend() and see if it works. For example if the instrument is in primary address 10:

print GpibSend( 0x10A00 , "\n" , True, 1000, , "*IDN?")

Highlight the line and click DoIt!. If it works, you should see that the GPIB instrument is in remote and the test log shows a number >0.

The DMM is addressed to 29(1D HEX), so the command that I put into the Monitor View is:

print GpibSend(0x11D00,"\n",True,1000,,"*IDN?")

Right? I tried 0x11D00 and 0x1DA00.

That's what I tried anyway, and it was a big "NOGO" again. I got a -1 returned on the test log. Here's my interface setup.

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Triston M.
Tucson, AZ

Apr 14, 2021
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Re: Agilent 82357B USB to GPIB driver

DrATEasy (Ron Y.) wrote:
You need to configure the driver shortcut with the GPIB interface and primary address of that instrument.

Try to use GpibSend() and see if it works. For example if the instrument is in primary address 10:

print GpibSend( 0x10A00 , "\n" , True, 1000, , "*IDN?")

Highlight the line and click DoIt!. If it works, you should see that the GPIB instrument is in remote and the test log shows a number >0.

I used:

print x
print GpibSend(x,"\n",True,1000,,"*IDN?")

and I received

X=71455 and a -1

DrATEasy (Ron Y.)
Mission Viejo, CA

Apr 14, 2021
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Re: Agilent 82357B USB to GPIB driver

That is not right the first print should give you 72960 and when you convert to hex it is 0x11D00. Seems like you have secondary address.

Open the driver shortcut Interface page and type "None" in the secondary. It should print 72960 .

In any case, I believe the interface settings are wrong. Open the settings dialog and make sure that

Board address is shown as 1 (read-only)
Logical Unit is 0
Primary address is 7

These numbers should also show in the IO Libraries connection expert as well.

Triston M.
Tucson, AZ

Apr 14, 2021
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Re: Agilent 82357B USB to GPIB driver

DrATEasy (Ron Y.) wrote:
That is not right the first print should give you 72960 and when you convert to hex it is 0x11D00. Seems like you have secondary address.

Open the driver shortcut Interface page and type "None" in the secondary. It should print 72960 .

In any case, I believe the interface settings are wrong. Open the settings dialog and make sure that

Board address is shown as 1 (read-only)
Logical Unit is 0
Primary address is 7

These numbers should also show in the IO Libraries connection expert as well.

I typed "None" in the secondary of the driver shortcut interface page. However, on the GPIB Interface->Settings I was unable to select 0, only 1-300 are allowed.

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Solution Available
DrATEasy (Ron Y.)
Mission Viejo, CA

Apr 15, 2021
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Re: Agilent 82357B USB to GPIB driver

According to the manual

the default Logical unit is 7 and the primary address is 21. Please try it.

Triston M.
Tucson, AZ

Apr 19, 2021
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Re: Agilent 82357B USB to GPIB driver

DrATEasy (Ron Y.) wrote:
According to the manual

the default Logical unit is 7 and the primary address is 21. Please try it.

That absolutely worked! Thank you for your patience!

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