Test Executive Not Unloading

Mark M.
Tucson, AZ

Oct 2, 2023
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Re: Test Executive Not Unloading

Running ATEasy 2021 (Build 160b)

To Whom It May Concern,

We have been running into issues with unloading TestExec.  To give some context, our application runs our own main window with TestExec running parallel to it, and semi-controlled by our window.  We force the user to close TestExec first, then our main window second.  Lately, when we unload TestExec, it stops drawing the window, but keeps this window handle and a process running in the background.  I've tried explicitly closing the window with an "Unload m_frmMain" statement, and stepped through the code.  It still had a non-zero window handle immediately after that line executed.  I need a fix for this since this software needs to work continuously without interruption.

Mark McDaniel
Product Test Engineer
Apex Microtechnology

Solution Available
DrATEasy (Ron Y.)
Mission Viejo, CA

Oct 2, 2023
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Re: Test Executive Not Unloading


- What ATEasy version/build are you using?
- How does the user closes the TestExec? Is it from the Programs, Exit menu item?
- Have you tried to trace into the System/Drivers OnEnd events? If it is executable, you can add MessageBox calls. Maybe one of your OnEnd events is preventing from exiting.
- Have you tried to call the exit statement?
- If the issue still occurs, I suggest to use the TestExec example and see if it happens there?


Mark M.
Tucson, AZ

Oct 2, 2023
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Re: Test Executive Not Unloading

Salutations Ron,

1/ As stated at the top of my post, I am running ATEasy 2021 Build 106b
2/ My main code calls the "TestExec.ExitApp" Procedure to close TestExec generally.
3/ I have not tried to trace OnEnd events.  What I have done was to trace step-by-step what happens when clicking the form's close 'X' icon.  And, it steps through and sets the exit event and triggers it, but fails to unload the window and release the handle.
4/ Yes.
5/ We've made some adjustments to TestExec to work as we need it to, so the example is not apples-to-apples.  This code worked fine before, but suddenly stopped working without provocation.  I didn't know if maybe a Windows update broke something or what.

Anyways, I will check the OnEnd events and see if that rabbit hole leads me to the carrot.


Solution Available
DrATEasy (Ron Y.)
Mission Viejo, CA

Oct 2, 2023
374 Posts

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Re: Test Executive Not Unloading

2. In that case, trace that routine ExitApp, It calls the following, one of these may prevent from exiting or maybe it is the event at the end:


for iIndex=System.DriversCount-1 downto 0


! Signal to next exe that this program is just about to exit
evWaitExitExe.SetEvent()   <- could prevent from exiting



Mark M.
Tucson, AZ

Oct 2, 2023
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Re: Test Executive Not Unloading

Salutations Ron,

1/ As stated at the top of my post, I am running ATEasy 2021 Build 106b
2/ My main code calls the "TestExec.ExitApp" Procedure to close TestExec generally.
3/ I have not tried to trace OnEnd events.  What I have done was to trace step-by-step what happens when clicking the form's close 'X' icon.  And, it steps through and sets the exit event and triggers it, but fails to unload the window and release the handle.
4/ Yes.
5/ We've made some adjustments to TestExec to work as we need it to, so the example is not apples-to-apples.  This code worked fine before, but suddenly stopped working without provocation.  I didn't know if maybe a Windows update broke something or what.

Anyways, I will check the OnEnd events and see if that rabbit hole leads me to the carrot.


Mark M.
Tucson, AZ

Oct 2, 2023
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Re: Test Executive Not Unloading

Mark M. wrote:
Salutations Ron,

1/ As stated at the top of my post, I am running ATEasy 2021 Build 106b
2/ My main code calls the "TestExec.ExitApp" Procedure to close TestExec generally.
3/ I have not tried to trace OnEnd events.  What I have done was to trace step-by-step what happens when clicking the form's close 'X' icon.  And, it steps through and sets the exit event and triggers it, but fails to unload the window and release the handle.
4/ Yes.
5/ We've made some adjustments to TestExec to work as we need it to, so the example is not apples-to-apples.  This code worked fine before, but suddenly stopped working without provocation.  I didn't know if maybe a Windows update broke something or what.

Anyways, I will check the OnEnd events and see if that rabbit hole leads me to the carrot.


Sorry, I refreshed my window and it reposted this again.  Disregard.

Mark M.
Tucson, AZ

Oct 2, 2023
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Re: Test Executive Not Unloading

DrATEasy (Ron Y.) wrote:
2. In that case, trace that routine ExitApp, It calls the following, one of these may prevent from exiting or maybe it is the event at the end:


for iIndex=System.DriversCount-1 downto 0


! Signal to next exe that this program is just about to exit
evWaitExitExe.SetEvent()   <- could prevent from exiting



We had commented out much of this code because we just wanted it to close TestExec, and not the whole application.  I found a fix by adding "If (Not pbCancel) Then Exit" as the last line in my main windows OnUnload Procedure.  This appears to kill the hanging TestExec thread that wasn't closing any other way up until now.  So, thanks for your suggestions.  The issue is resolved.

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