Skipping tasks based on Previous TestResult

David K.
Tucson, AZ

Apr 15, 2010
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Re: Skipping tasks based on Previous TestResult

I am trying to use the results from a previous test to define whether or not a following task is run. I am able to parse this fine using the Program.Tests("Test_Name").Result values but when I am not running a complete test and a task is unchecked but a sub test is checked the entire task is skipped. Any ideas as to how I can make sure that a checked test is run even if the full task is not selected?

Sample code from OnInitTest()

If (left(Test.Id,6)="XXX_XX")
     ! If XXX Self Test failed, skip this test
     If (Program.Tests("XXXX_SelfTest").Result = FAIL)
          Print "<br><b>Skipping " + + " test due to XXX Self-Test Failure...</b><br>"
          Test -1


DrATEasy (Ron Y.)
Mission Viejo, CA

Apr 15, 2010
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Re: Skipping tasks based on Previous TestResult

Try to use the Status property instead of result property:

If (Program.Tests("XXXX_SelfTest").Status = FAIL)

David K.
Tucson, AZ

Apr 15, 2010
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Re: Skipping tasks based on Previous TestResult

Unfortunately the same result occurs. I have a failed test in Task 2 (XXX_SelfTest). Task 3 is skipped during OnInitTest() of 3.1 but then Task 4 is skipped (unchecked Task in Test Executive, only subtests checked) and Task 5 begins (Checked Task in Test Executive).

DrATEasy (Ron Y.)
Mission Viejo, CA

Apr 15, 2010
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Re: Skipping tasks based on Previous TestResult

If a whole task is skipped it's status will be NONE and not FAIL so check for both None or FAIL (you may also check for ERR).

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David K.
Tucson, AZ

Apr 20, 2010
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Re: Skipping tasks based on Previous TestResult

I believe this actually has to do with how Test Executive goes about running a sequence of tests from the gui. I think I may open a magic incident and see what there response is. Thanks for the help!

DrATEasy (Ron Y.)
Mission Viejo, CA

Apr 21, 2010
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Re: Skipping tasks based on Previous TestResult

The problem you are seeing is relate to a test executive bug. To fix this you can modify the testexecutive driver as follows:
1. Locate the TestExec.OnInitTask
2. Modify line 14 as follows:

Instead of
                if not node.Checked
Change to:
                if not node.Checked and node.Bold=False

The code to skip task 3 I used the following to test it:

    if Program.Tests("selftest_test").Status=FAIL
        if task.index=2

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