Development Environment
- Fresh new look for the development environment includes auto hide docking windows, gradient and color customization for menus and toolbars.
- Multiple level programs in your project allow you to organize your projects test programs under user defined folders and divide them to categories.
- Create folders in your projects to store baggage files of your projects such as documentation, dlls, software components and more. You can open/edit/print these files directly from ATEasy (using Windows shell verbs).
- New program Parameters property page allow you to create and define parameters at design time for AProgram of type Numeric, String and enumerated type. Document shortcuts have description and program shortcut have a way to override and change the program UUT name set in the Program.
- Procedure property page: new Compile checkbox, to force a procedure to compile even if not referenced.
- New class AVirtualKeyboard allow you to control and display the Virtual keyboard on the screen. The virtual keyboard enables touch pane; support for control that require text input using a keyboard that is displayed on the screen and designed for touch panel user interface.
- EnableTouchScreen new internal function to configure and enable automatic support touch panel to your application including support for scrollbar sizing, font changes etc.
- AForm.AutoScale - new property enables auto sizing and scaling of the form by setting the AForm.Font.
- AProgram, ASystem, ADriver new property Type and new eneum enumAAppItemType.
- AProgram, ASystem, ADriver new property Parent to return the parent folder.
- AProgram.Parameters new property, ADriver.Parameters also extended to support write at run-time.
- ADriver.MiscFolder, AProgram.MiscFolder and ASystem.MiscFolder new property used to store the application files.
- ADriver.Tag, AProgram.Tag and ASystem.Tag new property used to store user defined string to the module files.
- New classes AAppFolder and AAppShortcut used for module based user defined folders and baggage files.
- New statement Append statement - allows you to append text to be appended to the log after the test results is printed.
- Support for dynamically creating of menus AMenu.InsertMenu new method to dynamically insert a menu, AMenu.Move new method to move a menu item, AMenu.RemoveMenu. This is similar to 5.0 dynamically creating of form controls using AForm.InsertControl and AForm. RemoveControl.
- AButton - multi-line and word wrap text support.
- New File and directory functions FileGetStatus, FileCopy, DirectoryCreate, DirectoryRename, DirectoryDelete new internal functions, FileFind now returns optional structure structFileStatus.
- ParseDateTime and FormatDateTime new internal functions for date time string manipulation.
- The statement AddHandler and RemoveHandler now support .NET, COM events, Control and Menu events (any object type that generate events).
- ATEasy now support importing of the new .NET 2.0 framework and Lab View 8.0 (up from .NET 1.1 and LabView 7.1).
- AButton, ARadioButton, ACheckBox new support for multiple lines text and word wrap for the caption property.
- AStatusBarPane new support for Progress bar pane - new properties ProgressMin/Max and Value, asbrpStyleProgressBar new member of enumStatusBarPaneStyle.
- enumGetDir has new constants aGetDirApp, aGetDirAppExe, also the aGetDirATEasy now always return the ATEasy folder (and not the EXE when running outside of the IDE).
- New internal function, GetCallbackThunkAddress, the function return the ATEasy procedure thunk so it can be called from an external DLL.
- ControlsCount and Controls properties are now available only to controls that are containers: ATab, APanel and AGroupbBox (also AForm).
Test Executive
- Full support for touch panel user interface:
- Modal and Modeless user interface. Modal user interface used mainly for touch panel to replace menus and toolbars with buttons forms to navigate and control the test executive.
- The user can define forms designed for touch panel user interface that includes test executive commands or user defined commands to control the test executive''s capabilities via the touch panel in Modal mode.
- User groups based user interface, allow you to customize the user interface for production users, test engineers etc. Each group can have its own privileges and user interface (forms, menu, toolbars and options).
- Customization of forms, menus, toolbar options and more per users group can be set by the administrator with no programming.
- Automatic management and backup, save, delete and naming of log files.
Compatibility issues
ATEasy 6.0 is fully backward compatible with prior versions of ATEasy (3.0-5.0) . Binary files saved in version 6.0 can be loaded using version 5.0 build 94a (but not always with versions prior to 94a). ATEasy 6 can also run EXE created with prior versions.
See Q200075 for a summary and less detailed list of features.