The GX528x and GX529x PXI Digital I/O products offer outstanding value and features. Utilizing the robust timing features requires a thorough understanding of both the unit under test, and the instruments’ capabilities. With a full understanding of these capabilities, you can successfully deploy a full-featured digital or mixed signal tester with predictable, repeatable and quantified results.

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AbstractThe Gx528x and Gx529x dynamic Digital I/O (DIO) product families have very robust timing features that provide the user with the flexibility to align signals between the DIO and the Unit Under Test (UUT). The clock signal is used to output test vectors, and the strobe signal samples data into the DIO’s record memory. The basic architecture provides six coarse delays in 4 ns steps. In addition, a fine resolution delay (vernier) is available which provides a 0ns to 3ns delay in 250ps steps. Together, these elements provide delays in the range of 0ns to 27ns, with 250ps resolution. Read more...
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Article Date
5/19/2010 , 5/20/2010
GX5290 Series, GX5280 Series, GTDIO