Comparing C/C++, C#, VB and ATEasy Basic Data Types

Knowledge Base Article # Q200210

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Summary This article can be used to cross-reference between C/C++, C#.NET, and VB.NET and possible equivalent ATEasy data types. It is useful when calling external DLLs from ATEasy or when calling ATEasy DLLs from other programming languages.
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Data type reference table

The following table describes ATEasy equivalent data types when calling procedures defined in other programming languages such as C/C++. The table also shows the suggested ATEasy data types used when importing C/C++ header file to ATEasy; these suggestions are offered using the ATEasy Ambiguous C Type Dialog (see ATEasy on-line help for more information):

C/C++C#.NETVB.NETATEasy Description
signed charsbyteByVal SByteVal CharSigned 8-bit integer
signed char *sbyte *ByRef SByteVal String, Var String, Val Char[ ], Var Char[ ]Pointer to a single or an array of signed 8-bit integer characters
unsigned charbyteByVal ByteVal ByteUnsigned 8-bit integer
unsigned char *byte *ByRef ByteVal Byte, Var Byte[ ], Val Byte[ ]Pointer to a single or an array of unsigned 8-bit integer
boolboolByVal BooleanVal BoolBoolean data type (True <>0/False 0), True is usually -1 but in C data type BOOL is 1
bool *bool *ByRef BooleanVar Bool, Var Bool[ ], Val Bool[ ]Pointer to a single or an array of boolean data type (True/False)
signed short intshortByVal ShortVal ShortSigned 16-bit integer
signed short int *short *ByRef ShortVar Short, Var Short[ ], Val Short[ ]Pointer to a single or an array of signed 16-bit integer
unsigned short intushortByVal UShortVal WordUnsigned 16-bit integer
unsigned short int *ushort *ByRef UShortVar Word, Var Word[ ], Val Word[ ]Pointer to single or an array of unsigned 16-bit integer
wchar_tcharByVal CharVal WCharUnicode 16-bit integer
wchar_t *char *ByRef CharVar WChar, Val BString, Var BString, Val WChar[ ], Var WChar[ ]Pointer to single or an array of Unicode 16-bit integer
signed intintByVal IntegerVal LongSigned 32-bit integer
signed int *int *ByRef IntegerVar Long, Var Long[ ], Val Long[ ]Pointer to single or an array of signed 32-bit integer
unsigned intuintByVal UIntegerVal DWordUnsigned 32-bit integer
Var DWord, Var DWord[ ], Val DWord[ ]unsigned int *uint *ByRef UIntegerPointer to a single or an array unsigned 32-bit integer
floatfloatByVal SingleVal Float32-bit floating-point (single precision)
float *float *ByRef SingleVar Float, Var Float[ ], Val Float[ ]Pointer to a single or an array of 32-bit floating-point
doubledoubleByVal DoubleVal Double64-bit floating-point (double precision)
double *double *ByRef DoubleVar Double, Var Double[ ], Val Double[ ]Pointer to a single or an array of 64-bit floating-point
char[ ]sbyte[ ]ByVal Byte ( )Val String, ValChar[ ], Var Char[ ]String of NULL terminated ASCII characters
char[ ] *ByRef Byte ( )Val String, Var StringPointer to string of NULL terminated ASCII characters
wchar_t[ ]stringByVal StringVal BString, Val WChar[ ], Var WChar[ ]String of Unicode characters
VARIANTobjectByVal ObjectVal VariantDynamically-changeable data type
intintByVal IntegerVal ProcedureHolds the address of a procedure, 32 bit
IUnknown *. IDispatch *objectByVal ObjectVal ObjectCOM/NET object, stored in a 32-bit address for the COM interface

Using Val and Var Parameters

ATEasy function parameters can be either Val or Var.
  • Val: The parameter is passed 'by value'.  A local variable is made from the supplied argument.  Any changes made to a Val parameter within ATEasy will not affect the original variable.
  • Var: The parameter is passed 'by reference'.  The parameter is a reference to the supplied argument.  Any changes made to a Var parameter within ATEasy will be made to the original variable.

Using MemoryCopy() to get/set variable values

The ATEasy MemoryCopy() internal procedure can be used in ATEasy to copy variables values into ATEasy using the variable's memory address and size.

For instance, in this C++ DLL procedure a char array is created.  The function returns the location of the first element in the array (plAddress) and the array's size (plSize):

void StringTest(int *plAddress, int *plSize)
    static char szExample[]="Test String ABC123";

The ATEasy procedure shown below calls the C++ DLL procedure, retrieving the address and size data and then uses that information to construct its own variable using MemoryCopy.  In this case, a string is the most appropriate variable.  But this technique could be used for other basic and / or user-defined variables.

Procedure MemoryCopyTest(): String Public
sTest: String
lSize: Long
lAddress: Long
    StringTest(lAddress, lSize)
    SetLen(sTest, lSize)
    MemoryCopy(&sTest, lAddress, lSize)
    return sTest

Related Material

Knowledge Base: Passing Array between ATEasy and .NET
Article Date 3/16/2011 , 5/27/2021
Keywords language, reference, C, C++, C#, VB, .NET

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