Electronic functional test equipment obsolescence challenges military, aerospace, and manufacturing test engineers who must support mission-critical electronics with lifecycles measured in decades. The lack of available OEM support for legacy Automated Test Equipment (ATE) systems compels users to consider either replacing or upgrading high-performance legacy ATE systems. Yet, the perception that replacing or upgrading obsolete systems is very expensive, extremely difficult, and / or sacrifices functionality prevents users from adopting either solution.
 | Marvin Test Systems’ PXI-based test system offers the features and capabilities needed to support both legacy and next generation factory and depot test needs. Key features and capabilities of the GENASYS platform’ include: - A high performance, PXI-based, digital subsystem for both legacy and next generation digital test needs
- Configurable, commercial off the shelf (COTS) digital, analog, and switching software components
- Comprehensive test program migration tools supporting legacy L200 / L300 test systems
To learn more about how the GENASYS platform can solve functional test obsolescence, click here.