Presentation: Presented at the corporate forum, International Test Conference 2015

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Card modular archtectures and specifically the PXI architecture offer a compelling alternative to closed, "big iron" ATE systems for semiconductor test. This presentation provides an overview of market factors impacting the semiconductor ATE business and describes how advanced PXI instrumentation and systems are addressing current and future semiconductor test needs. The next generation of PXI digital instrumentation offers the capabilities and test features normally only found in proprietary ATE semiconductor systems. With advent of these new, advanced digital subsystems, PXI–based semiconductor test solutions such as MTS' TS-900, can now offer a broader range of test capabilities and features for digital, mixed-signal and RF test applications.
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Article Date
10/13/2015 , 11/30/2015
PXI, mixed-signal, ATE, semiconductor test, TS-900, GX5296, GX5295