This article details the process involved in using Marvin Test Solutions instrumentation when using an NI Real-Time target from a Windows host PC which superseded the deprecated Phar Lap OS. This includes the process to adding our instruments to the manifest and overcoming commonly encountered issues when installing the GtLinux software and adding MTS instruments. This process was most recently tested against Linux RT System Image 2024 Q3 and LabVIEW 2024 Q3 on the host computer.
First time installation: NI Linux Real-Time
GtLinux software package contains the shared libraries for all MTS instruments, but some NI Linux Real-Time OS specific modifications were be made to install this software.
Before starting installation of Marvin Test Solutions software, make sure that you are able to establish a connection to the remote target using NI-MAX software and then ensure the NI-VISA software is installed on the real-time target. Installing Software on NI Linux Real-Time
1. Download the GtLinux software package from the MTS website.
Download: GtLinux.tar
2. Follow the GtLinux instructions per GtLinuxReadMe.txt to deploy the software to the install directory by unpacking the tarball.
For example:
/usr/share/MarvinTestSolutions# tar -xvf ./GtLinux.tar
3. Using the -nirt option, finish installation per GtLinuxReadMe.txt
For example:
/usr/share/MarvinTestSolutions# sh ./ -nirt
4. At this point, an optional verification can be performed. The command "ls -l /dev/HW*" should show the HWMTS driver. If this library is missing, the most likely cause if NI-VISA not being present on the Real-Time target. In this case, confirm step 1 was completed and retry installation of the GtLinux's install shell script.
If the HWMTS software is present, restart the target and confirm the instrument's presence in NI-MAX. Congratulations!
If an MTS device driver is not recognized and the chassis slot in known to be good, it is possible that the version of GtLinux was released before the instrument you are attempting to integrate. If this is the case, the system installer could upgrade to the latest version of GtLinux or manually create an INF file using the NI-VISA Driver Wizard:
- Open the NI-VISA Driver Wizard. This application is included with the NI-VISA software
- Select the PXI/PCI as the bus interface.

- In the "PXI/PCI - Device Information" wage, deselect 'This device has a subsystem ID' checkbox and fill out the VID, PID, Manufacturer Name, and Model Name. This example is for the GX3500 FPGA PXI instrument
Manufacturer ID / VID is always 0x16E2 for Marvin Test instruments.
Product ID / PID usually matches the model number of the instrument. In this example 0x3500
Manufacturer Name is always Marvin Test Solutions, Inc. for Marvin Test instruments.
Model Name should match the model name with the GX prefix. A full description can be found in HW.inf. In this example GX3500 Digital I/O FLEX FPGA Board
If the instrument is an express instrument, the 'This device is PXI Express' checkbox should be clicked.
This information can be found in the HW.inf file, usually located at C:\Program Files (x86)\Marvin Test Solutions\HW
%HW.GX3500DriverDesc%=HW, PCI\VEN_16E2&DEV_3500
HW.GX3500DriverDesc="GX3500 Digital I/O FLEX FPGA Board"

-Instrument prefix should match the model number (i.e. GX3500). This should create an INF and INI to control the instrument. These will need to be moved to the Real-Time target.

Install the instrument-specific INF
- Copy GX3500.inf created in the previous steps into /etc/nipal/devinit.d
- Copy to /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/MarvinTestSolutions/
- At this point, an optional verification can be performed. The command "ls -l /dev/HW*" should show the HWMTS driver. If this library is missing, the most likely cause if NI-VISA not being present of the Real-Time target. In this case, install the software and rerun GtLinux's install shell script.
- Restart the system and verify the instrument's presence in NI-MAX as depicted below.

Related files
Sample GX3500 Configuration Files