Running a program inported from ATML

Michael S.
Cheltenham, Gloucestershire

Feb 24, 2014
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Re: Running a program inported from ATML


I've looked at the ATML example provided with ATEasy but cannot see how to run the program that has been converted from ATML to PGT.

I've traced the code and can see AtmlTestDescription.xml being converted into AtmlConvertedTestDescription.pgt using
ATML Transform TestDescription ATEasyProgram()

When clicking on the 'Run Program' button run App.Programs(0) is called but this runs the program that is hardcoded into the application in the IDE. I've made a change to the hardcoded program and observed this change in the test log.

I cannot find a way to point App to the imported program.

Can a program be imported and run without having to insert the program into the IDE and rebuild?


Paul T.
Maennedorf, Zurich

Feb 24, 2014
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Re: Running a program inported from ATML

Hi Michael,

Take a look at the "Run" statement. You could use "Run [EndEvents] program-specifier", and for program-specifier you can specify the program file's full path (+filename). No need to rebuild the whole application.
I hope this helps you.



Michael S.
Cheltenham, Gloucestershire

Feb 25, 2014
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Re: Running a program inported from ATML

Hello Paul

I've looked at the help for the Run statement:

"In ATEasy v2 the program-specifier string expression was a filename, if you are migrating from ATEasy2 you must change it to a program shortcut."

I'm using version 8 and there is nothing in help about how program shortcuts are defined for external programs.

Ultimately, I want to use an external program to populate a list box with available tests, so that the operator can select which tests to run / not run.


Solution Available
DrATEasy (Ron Y.)
Mission Viejo, CA

Feb 26, 2014
369 Posts

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Re: Running a program inported from ATML

Hi Michael,

You can not run external program without including it in the project at design time. In ATEasy 2, this was not the case and you could use an external program using the run statement while in v3 or above the run statement changed to a program shortcut name or a program object.

If you need to run a program that is created dynamically, you can invoke compiler to build EXE from your project (assuming the program is in the project, or if not you can write a project text file which is simple). After the build is complete you can run the EXE.

See the online help under "Command Line" regarding how to compile/build using the command line, for example:

ATEasy /b+"c:\program files\ateasy\examples\language.prj" /s


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