Copy Array to Struct

Noam G.

Jun 18, 2014
1 Post

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Re: Copy Array to Struct

How can i copy array to structure ??

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DrATEasy (Ron Y.)
Mission Viejo, CA

Jun 18, 2014
360 Posts

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Re: Copy Array to Struct

Use memory copy:for simple types of array (i.e. numeric, type must be identical) or using a variant:

an={1, 2, 3, 4}

MemoryCopy(&stStucture, &anArray)

Or using a Variant data type to perform the copy (this will work for any data type):

stStructure=vVariant   ! will assign each element in the array to a field in the structure, data type must be compatible

Also the other way around, structure to array


Yariv S.
Airport city,

Dec 28, 2020
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Re: Copy Array to Struct

How do I get the names of the structure into an array, not their values?
Thanks in advance

Tero S.
Irvine, CA

Dec 28, 2020
16 Posts

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Re: Copy Array to Struct

Hi Yariv,

If you mean the names of struct fields, this is not supported.


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