Can we use winexec to open .bat file?

Binh P.
Tucson, AZ

Jul 24, 2014
2 Posts

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Re: Can we use winexec to open .bat file?

I tried to open a .bat file with winexec but all I get is a flash on a screen.
When manually double click on the .bat file, it opens fine.
I'm using ATEasy 8.0 148b. Thanks for the help.

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DrATEasy (Ron Y.)
Mission Viejo, CA

Jul 24, 2014
360 Posts

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Re: Can we use winexec to open .bat file?

WinExec("cmd.exe /C c:\\a.bat")

Use the /K instead of /C to leave the window open aftter executing it, so you can see the outcome.

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