New system setup of ATEasy 2.1d after harddisk damage

Dirk R.
Hamburg, Hamburg

Jul 8, 2015
1 Post

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Re: New system setup of ATEasy 2.1d after harddisk damage

I have to install everything new because the old HD crashes.
Now, with a new HD on the old system I installed Win98SE and it's drivers (Grafic, Motherboard,...).
Then I installed ATEasy 2.1d without problems.

When I start ATEasy it detects the hardware key and it's serial number. I enter the password but I'm missing the complete "Edit" menu, the "Save" and "Printing" entries in "File" menu and the "Defaults" entry in "Utilities" menu. It seems to be at a user level 1 not 3.
When I remove the hardware key ATEasy starts in Demo mode but all menu items appear.

At the old system we have all menus with hardware key installed.
Do anyone have a solution?

Best regards,

Solution Available
DrATEasy (Ron Y.)
Mission Viejo, CA

Aug 3, 2015
360 Posts

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Re: New system setup of ATEasy 2.1d after harddisk damage

Looks like you have an ATEasy 2.x  Run-Time dongle otherwise it should show the whole menu.


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