Problem with .NET 4.5 assemblies inserted into ATEasy

Paul T.
Maennedorf, Zurich

Feb 16, 2016
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Re: Problem with .NET 4.5 assemblies inserted into ATEasy


I am trying to write a driver for the Konica Minolta LS-160 Luminance Meter.
After I installed .NET Framework 4.5 (because the SDK is based on .NET 4.5), I have downloaded the SDK from the manufacturer's website ( ) and I've imported the LC-MISDK.dll assembly to ATEasy. The import is OK and the new class instantiate is OK, but when I try to call the Connect() method (to connect the PC with the instrument via USB - Virtual COM), the error attached is annoying me and it doesn't permit any further work.

Anybody got an idea about a possible workaround to this issue? I don't know where the "IDeviceHandlerService" error comes from...


File Attachment:

Victor B.
Lake Forest, CA

Feb 19, 2016
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Re: Problem with .NET 4.5 assemblies inserted into ATEasy

Post some of your code leading up to the error.  Did you call LightColorMISDK.Initialize() first?

Paul T.
Maennedorf, Zurich

Feb 20, 2016
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Re: Problem with .NET 4.5 assemblies inserted into ATEasy

Hi Victor,

Yes, I called LightColorMISDK.Initialize() first but I get the same error when I try to connect to the instrument. :-(
Actually, the SDK documentation states that I need to call GetInstance() first, after which a Connect() should perform just fine.

Here is my code:
sdk = Driver.LC_MISDK.LightColorMISDK.GetInstance()
sdk.Initialize()   ! Added at your suggestion, but no use
    ret = sdk.Connect()
    MsgBox("Error code is: "+str(ret.errorCode,10))

, where sdk variable is of type LightColorMISDK and ret is ReturnMessage.
When the Connect() method is run, I constantly get the IDeviceHandlerService error, as I stated before.

Any other idea?

Thank you for your time,

Victor B.
Lake Forest, CA

Feb 22, 2016
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Re: Problem with .NET 4.5 assemblies inserted into ATEasy

I tried real quick but I wasn't able to duplicate the error you saw, my system was looking for SimpleInjector.dll.  Searching the web gives me the impression that the error, 'No registration for type IDeviceHandlerService ...' , was originated from the SimpleInjector API.  But I'm not sure why.

My best suggestion to you would be to create an incident so the engineers can take a look at this.

Paul T.
Maennedorf, Zurich

Mar 7, 2016
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Re: Problem with .NET 4.5 assemblies inserted into ATEasy

Thank you, Victor. I will create an incident.

Have a nice day!


Mike R.
Fort Sam Houston, TX

Jul 27, 2016
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Re: Problem with .NET 4.5 assemblies inserted into ATEasy

Curios if you have made any progress on this issue.  I am having the same problem with the CS-150.  Using the C# example provided in the LC-MISDK, the communication works fine.  When trying to implement the assembly in Matlab, I receive the error:  No registration for type IDeviceHandlerService could be found.

Kevin L.
Ramsey, NJ

Aug 1, 2016
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Re: Problem with .NET 4.5 assemblies inserted into ATEasy

The LC-MISDK uses a Singleton pattern to GetInstance. The 50 dll files must also all be in the directory with your .exe file, as well as calcolor and IDMap directories. Some support can be requested via vendors' website

Conor M.

Jul 25, 2018
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Re: Problem with .NET 4.5 assemblies inserted into ATEasy

Has there been any update with this issue. I am trying to communicate with my LS-160 via MatLab and am having the same IDeviceHandlerService error. If this issue has been solved any help would be appreciated.

Paul T.
Maennedorf, Zurich

Jul 25, 2018
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Re: Problem with .NET 4.5 assemblies inserted into ATEasy

Hi Conor,

It's been a while since then, but try to place your application file/project (Matlab or whatever) in the same folder with the installed DLLs ("LC-MISDK.dll" and others). Also, be sure that you import the LC-MISDK.dll from this location (same folder as the application).
Try this and tell us if it worked for you.

Best regards,

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