ATEasy 9 build 154 blocked by Avast

Martin S.

Dec 15, 2016
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Re: ATEasy 9 build 154 blocked by Avast

When installing the last build Avast blocked the .exe and the rt.
Each time I want to open I have to deactivate Avast or it'll put the files in quarantine.
It finds Win32: Evo-Gen whatever this is supposed to be.
I already reported a false detection but it may work better if the editor does it.

DrATEasy (Ron Y.)
Mission Viejo, CA

Dec 15, 2016
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Re: ATEasy 9 build 154 blocked by Avast

Can attach a screen capture of the message that Avast display? Is you Avast up to date? What version of Avast are you using?

DrATEasy (Ron Y.)
Mission Viejo, CA

Dec 15, 2016
360 Posts

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Re: ATEasy 9 build 154 blocked by Avast

In any case, we have submitted request for false detection removal at Avast ( so the next update to virus definition should fix this.

Solution Available
DrATEasy (Ron Y.)
Mission Viejo, CA

Dec 16, 2016
360 Posts

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Re: ATEasy 9 build 154 blocked by Avast

Avast has notified us that it has now been resolved. ATEasy won't be detected by Avast anymore.

Martin S.

Dec 16, 2016
6 Posts

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Re: ATEasy 9 build 154 blocked by Avast

Yep it's OK now,

Thanks a lot.

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