Allan variance Measurement

Mahesh N.
Bangalore, Karnataka

Mar 3, 2017
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Re: Allan variance Measurement


I have a Vectron EX-219 oscillator ( ) and I need to measure the stability of this oscillator. To be very specific I need to measure the allan deviation. I was wondering if I could use the GTX2200/GC2200 Time interval counter to do this measurement. The allan deviation number specified is 5X10^-11.

Is there a function that can be built for doing this measurement?

Any help in this regard is welcome.


Solution Available
Orr K.
Irvine, CA

Apr 5, 2017
21 Posts

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Re: Allan variance Measurement


There is a software tool that can provide Allan Variation calculations for a set of data points, which would presumably be obtained from the GTX2200 instrument. Let me know if this helps.


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