Unhandled exception at 0x1308a15d in C:\Windows\system32\AteRt.dll : Memory…

Raz A.

Mar 20, 2019
82 Posts

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Re: Unhandled exception at 0x1308a15d in C:\Windows\system32\AteRt.dll : Memory access violation 0xc0000005

i am using Ateasy's function cos(..) and sin().

For some reason, i occasionally get a runtime error:
Unhandled exception at 0x1308a15d in C:\Windows\system32\AteRt.dll : Memory access violation 0xc0000005

i happens sometimes, not always.
Important: it dosent happen if i run the program from inside ATEASY workspace.

what can be the reason?

File Attachment:
runtime error.jpg

DrATEasy (Ron Y.)
Mission Viejo, CA

Mar 20, 2019
369 Posts

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Re: Unhandled exception at 0x1308a15d in C:\Windows\system32\AteRt.dll : Memory access violation 0xc0000005

Looks like the corruption is cause by earlier statement. Maybe external DLL call.

If you can't figure it out and you have ATEasy subscription,  open a support incident and upload the exception and event files (v10 ) this will help us tell you exactly what is the problem.

Raz A.

Mar 21, 2019
82 Posts

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Re: Unhandled exception at 0x1308a15d in C:\Windows\system32\AteRt.dll : Memory access violation 0xc0000005

Weve figured it out.

The problem was that we compiled the exe in another computer  - with 2 warnings about missing dll's, but still an exe was created.
then we copied it to the target computer and the error occured.
when we compiled it in the target computer - there were no warnings and the problem disappeared.

two questions:
1. why is "missing dlls.." is only a warning and not an error in the compilation ( i am using ateasy 7 142g)

2. what is the connection between cos() and sin() to HW dlls....?

DrATEasy (Ron Y.)
Mission Viejo, CA

Mar 21, 2019
369 Posts

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Re: Unhandled exception at 0x1308a15d in C:\Windows\system32\AteRt.dll : Memory access violation 0xc0000005

1.  That is intentionally. When you compile or build, there is no need to error missing DLLs since they might be in the target machine and do not need to be in the development machine. So, missing DLLs do not prevent compiling. When you run, the DLLs are required and will cause a run-time error if missing.
2. Don't think it is connected and ,maybe that just a simpleton to other issue you have. If you want us to dig further open a magic support incident and upload the files so we can replicate it.

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