NULL in ATEASY imported c dll

Raz A.

Oct 27, 2019
82 Posts

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Re: NULL in ATEASY imported c dll

I have an imported dll that is written in c.
It has a function that receive a parameter of type "char *"
Acording to the dll documentation, i need to send NULL in a certain scenario.

My question is, what is the ateasy's NULL equivalent ?

I tried to send NULL, char[1] with 0 and '\0', String with \0 and more...
Nothing works.....

What should i send?

Solution Available
DrATEasy (Ron Y.)
Mission Viejo, CA

Oct 27, 2019
374 Posts

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Re: NULL in ATEASY imported c dll

I assume it is a string value and the string not changed by the function:
- Define the parameter as Val Any and pass Nothing as an argument or 0.
- You can also define the argument as Val DWord and pass 0 or &string.

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