Is it possible to integrate Jenkins and ATEasy ?

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Idan U.

Apr 12, 2020
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Re: Is it possible to integrate Jenkins and ATEasy ?

We would like to launch ATEeasy tests using Jenkins, is it possible ?
Do you have a use case or example ?

Tero S.
Irvine, CA

Apr 13, 2020
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Re: Is it possible to integrate Jenkins and ATEasy ?

Hi Idan,

It's probably faster to start by integrating via command line with ATEasy. Can you give me some specifics on what you would like to do with Jenkins and ATEasy? Do you need an example for a Jenkinsfile pipe or something similar?


Idan U.

Apr 13, 2020
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Re: Is it possible to integrate Jenkins and ATEasy ?

Hello Tero,

I need to execute the ATEeasy tests via command line, how can i do it ?

Tero S.
Irvine, CA

Apr 14, 2020
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Re: Is it possible to integrate Jenkins and ATEasy ?


I would use the ATEasy AApp properties for an executable. You can find the necessary help indexed at "CommandLine Property (AApp)" of ATEasy help (click F1 in IDE). Here's the example from that index:
For example if you call your executable:

abc.exe  a.log

The App.CommandLine will return a string "a.log" and in your code you can use it as:


The following example calls a user procedure to scan the command line parameters:




DrATEasy (Ron Y.)
Mission Viejo, CA

Apr 14, 2020
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Re: Is it possible to integrate Jenkins and ATEasy ?

Hi Idan,

To execute a program task , test or a profile using command line, you can design a command line that except the program ID, Task ID or Test ID to execute. You then parse it it OnInit event and use the Run statement for program and OnInitProgram to Task/Test Statement to execute it. For example you can design a command line that specify /rprg 'program id' or /rtask 'task id', /rtest ' testid' (to run a program, task or test)

Depending on your command line you can use the Exit statement in OnEndTest/Task/Program to exit your executable.

You can also integrate the build of your project into Jenkins by using ATEasy.exe /b (see help). The return exit code will tell you if the build is successful.


Idan U.

Apr 20, 2020
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Re: Is it possible to integrate Jenkins and ATEasy ?

Hello Ron,

We need the option to run the ATEasy tests from command line.

I didnt get your answer at all, how can i trigger it ? can you elaborate or provide an example ?

From you answer i understand that there is no "built-in" feature to run the tests from the cmd in ATEasy ?

DrATEasy (Ron Y.)
Mission Viejo, CA

Apr 20, 2020
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Re: Is it possible to integrate Jenkins and ATEasy ?

I assume that after you make changes to you code, you want to build executable and if successful you want to run some tests using Jenkins.

The On-Line help have a "command line" topic explain how to build executable using the IDE command line. To test you to write some code to parse the command line as I explained.

There is no built in to run a single test or a task from your executable, but my earlier post clearly explained how to implement that and it is very simple (very few lines of code).  

If you need help implementing that, I suggest to open a support incident explaining what command line parameter you have difficulty implementing to your executable.

Idan U.

Apr 20, 2020
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Re: Is it possible to integrate Jenkins and ATEasy ?


OK so the objective was unclear, i dont do any changes to ATEasy code i dont need Jenkins to build it for me i want Jenkins to trigger ATEasy specific profile that contain predefined tests.

I dont want to manually execute the ATeasy build exe output chose a profile and click on run, i want Jenkins to do it.

If you need lets schedule a call i can share me target and ill probably be able to explain it clearer.

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DrATEasy (Ron Y.)
Mission Viejo, CA

Apr 20, 2020
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Re: Is it possible to integrate Jenkins and ATEasy ?

In that case. You will have to add a driver to handle the command line and execution and add it to all the projects.

Roman V.

Apr 22, 2020
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Re: Is it possible to integrate Jenkins and ATEasy ?

Thanks It's was helpful!

Xiomioker T.
Karachi, Karachi

Aug 5, 2021
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Re: Is it possible to integrate Jenkins and ATEasy ?

Idan U. wrote:
We would like to launch ATEeasy tests using Jenkins, is it possible ?
Do you have a use case or example ?

Jenkins does allow developers to build, deploy and test software as it is considered one of the [url=]best ci cd tools[/url]. Following this thread for research purposes. Thanks! keep it live :)

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