Split in ateasy 4,windows 2000

Raz A.

Oct 7, 2020
82 Posts

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Re: Split in ateasy 4,windows 2000

I wrote a code that is assuming that i have the split function.
But in ateasy 4 there is no split function
Do i have an alternative?
If not
Can i import some c/c++ library with this func into ateasy 4?

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DrATEasy (Ron Y.)
Mission Viejo, CA

Dec 28, 2020
360 Posts

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Re: Split in ateasy 4,windows 2000

Split() was added in ATEasy 7. ATEasy 4 does not support .Net and don't think there is a DLL who export split().
So your best route is to implement it yourself, use ATEasy internal functions to loop and extract the sub-strings using Pos, Mid and Left functions.


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