problem about agilent N67XX series DC POVER SUPPLY

Li Y.

Dec 10, 2009
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Re: problem about agilent N67XX series DC POVER SUPPLY

HI! I want to control N67xx, but there is some problem.
I've download its IVI-COM driver, installed it ,and it works in its Labview example.
In ATEasy, I first insert the COM object into the program library, and AgilentN67xxLib appears in the library, also a lot of classes are there.
Secondly, I create a type of AgilentN67xxLib.IAgilent67xx, name it T_N6701;
Thirdly, I create a variable of type T_N6701 and name it N6701;
Then I create a task,which code is :
   Print N6701.Identity
Build success. But when run, there is a run-time error #419:"Object is null" find in line 2.
Why ?
Thank you very much!

Amit G.
Irvine, CA

Dec 11, 2009
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Re: problem about agilent N67XX series DC POVER SUPPLY

It appears that the object is not being created in line 1.
You are trying to create an Interface object, and not the object itself.
Change your N6701 variable type to "AgilentN67xxLib.AgilentN67xx"
And use the following line of code for line 1 instead:

Notice that I deleted the "I" in the object name and variable type.

Li Y.

Dec 13, 2009
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Re: problem about agilent N67XX series DC POVER SUPPLY

I did as you told me, but it still doesn't work, a new error appears, it tells me that
        " Runtime error #310 : ' Unable to assign a value ' found in line 1" .
So what's this problem ? Thank you very much!

Solution Available
Amit G.
Irvine, CA

Dec 14, 2009
26 Posts

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Re: problem about agilent N67XX series DC POVER SUPPLY

I beleive this is an ATEasy 5.0 issue. Upgrade to the latest ATEasy 7.0 for software support, the latest features and improvements.

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