Bit fields are not part of the ATEasy language. To create a bit field-like structure, you can define a member as an integer and manipilate the field using the Or or And operators to set values in the fields. To clear a field you can use the Not operator.
For example if the C structure was :
Struct Fields { ... DWORD a : 5; DWORD b: 3; ... }
Define the Bit field as dw in ATEasy:
struct Fields { ... dwFields : Dword ... }
Define some constants:
A _MASK: Dword=0x1F A _POS: Dword=0 B_MASK : Dword=0x7 B_POS: Dword=5
To clear b use:
f.dwFiellds =f.dwFiellds & not (B_MASK shl B_POS)
To set b use:
f.dwFiellds =f.dwFiellds & not (B_MASK shl B_POS) or (bNew shl B_POS)