How to use a DCOM component from ATEasy

Knowledge Base Article # Q200043

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Summary After an object is registered on the local computer, use ATEasy's CreateObject() or GetObject() to create the remote objects.
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Use the following procedure to use a DCOM component from ATEasy:

1.   Register the server application on the server computer (usually by running it)

2.   Run the component setup to register the server component on the client computer

3.   Run Component Services Windows application (Start, Run, dcomcnfg.exe) on the server computer and select the application from the Component Services, My Computer, DCOM Config and set the security to allow remote computer to access the component

4.   Run Component Services Windows application (Start, Run, dcomcnfg.exe) on the client computer and select the application from the Component Services, My Computer, DCOM Config and set the application computer location

5.   From ATEasy use CreateObjec() or GetObject()  internal functions to create the remote objects as creating local object

Note: Since ATEasy version 6.0, CreateObject() has a new optional parameter (sHostName) that can be used (in addition to the method described here) to create remote objects.



Article Date 12/16/2002
Keywords ATEasy, CreateObject, GetObject, DCOM

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