Next Generation Test System Architectures for Depot and O-Level Test

Knowledge Base Article # Q200227

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Summary This article discusses how PXI digital subsystems such as the GX5960 can provide the basis for creating next generation test architectures, successfullly addressing TPS migration (from a Teradyne M9 platform) as well as meeting portability, performance and cost objectives for both Depot and O-level test needs.
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For over 30 years, ATE has been a key resource and tool for the maintenance and repair of electronic systems, subsystems and board level assemblies deployed on a wide range of military-aerospace systems. ATE has been relied upon to maintain and support electronic assemblies for avionics, weapons systems, and communication systems. In addition, repair logistics and the “up-time” demands for these systems have resulted in the need for repair / support strategies that shorten the repair loop. For the US Marine Corp, the need to minimize this repair loop is acute and has resulted in the adoption of a maintenance / repair strategy that employs Depot – level test capabilities which can also be deployed at the field or O-level.

This paper discusses how a PXI-based architecture which employs the GX5960 subsystem can provide the basis for replacing a Teradyne VXI M9 digital test solution. The successful development and implementation of software tool set for migrating M9 or LASAR-based test programs is also presented. The resulting solution offers a downsized test platform that supports legacy test programs while offering portability and performance at a significantly lower cost for both Depot and O-level test needs.

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Article Date 3/1/2012
Keywords digital test, dtb file, TETS, VIPER/T, GX5960, Teradyne M9, Teradyne LASAR

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