Welcome to the December issue of our newsletter. Inside you’ll find stories about how to address cybersecurity issues in your ATE systems, the latest news on how the MTS-3060A SmartCan makes test easy and fast on the flightline, and an innovative production test solution for mmWave beamforming devices for 5G applications that supports test frequencies up to 50 GHz.
We have truly enjoyed meeting you at the trade shows and events we’ve participated in this year, and we look forward to seeing you again in 2020. Our events calendar has a global reach, so I hope you’ll have the opportunity to visit us during the year. Bring us your most demanding test challenges and we’ll explain, and in many cases demonstrate, how we can make test easy for you.
All of us at MTS would like to thank all of you who afforded us the opportunity to meet your test and measurement requirements. We value your trust and strive to serve as your preferred provider of test solutions both today and well into the future.
Wishing you and your family and friends joyous holidays, good health, and abundant prosperity in 2020!
 Stephen T. Sargeant CEO
We hope you enjoy this month's issue of Test Connections which includes new product updates and news events.
Please send your comments or suggestions regarding this newsletter to marketing@MarvinTest.com.
Countering Cybersecurity Threats in Test Systems | | | Automatic test systems designed to validate the performance of military and aerospace products have always been held to a higher standard. Today's emerging threats to data security and instrumentation integrity continue to raise this bar. Best practices to mitigate these threats include both hardware and software strategies. | |
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5G Test Solution for Beamforming ICs | | | Production testing of mmWave devices presents a significant challenge. With the development of 5G NR, beamforming is becoming a common method for implementing phased arrays and mmWave antennas. The new TS-960e-5G wwWave/5G Production Test System supports test frequencies up to 50 GHz in a compact form factor. | |
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MTS Makes Test Easy for F-35 Alternate Mission Equipment:
Read on
to learn more.
Metal-Oxide (MOX) Gas Sensor TestingClick here
to learn more.
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